Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Alpha Kappa Psi is the nation's oldest and largest co-ed professional fraternity open to all majors and interests. Here at Carnegie Mellon, the Omega Psi chapter has established itself as a leading student organization, consistently attracting the best and brightest minds on campus.









Members Benefits

Founded in 1904, Alpha Kappa Psi is the nation's oldest co-ed professional business fraternity, and with over 250 Chapters in the United States, Europe, and Canada, it is also the largest. The chapter here at Carnegie Mellon University is the Omega Psi Chapter. As brothers, we not only strive to improve the educational experience and future opportunities for one another, but also to strengthen the brotherhood between us and the fraternity as a whole. We hold ourselves to high ethical standards, and seek to improve our community as well as our Alma Mater. Becoming a brother of Alpha Kappa Psi is a commitment, but it is an incredibly rewarding experience, one which lasts a lifetime.

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Yui Ishibiki Profile

Yui Ishibiki

Vice President of Professional Development
Alisha Patel Profile

Alisha Patel

JFC Financial Advisor
Kaitlyn Zhu Profile

Kaitlyn Zhu

Vice President of Alumni Relations
Danny Cui Profile

Danny Cui

Isha Agrawal Profile

Isha Agrawal

Jordan Fon Sing Profile

Jordan Fon Sing

Vice President of Finance
Olivia Acquaah-Harrison Profile

Olivia Acquaah-Harrison

Vice President of Alumni Relations
Esther Lin Profile

Esther Lin

Vice President of Membership
Donna Wang Profile

Donna Wang

Vice President of Administration
Tanvi Mittal Profile

Tanvi Mittal

Risk Management Officer


Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213
United States