
Mini 1
  1. Introduction to Pro Bono Consulting
  2. Open up Team Member, Team Lead, Client, and Junior Board Applications
Mini 2
  1. Team Lead Training
  2. Project Teams are assigned and matched to a client. (Early November)
  3. Team Contract Developed
  4. Letter of Engagement signed and initial research has begun. (Early December)
Mini 3
  1. Project Team works on the agreed upon problem.
  2. Midway Workshop with Initiative
  3. Midway Check-in with Client to reevaluate and establish next steps (Late February)
Mini 4
  1. Final Deliverable Workshop with Advisory Board (Mid April)
  2. Project Teams present final deliverable to client (Late April)
  3. PBC hosts the Tepper Community Leadership Symposium to celebrate a successful project cycle (Late April)

Student Benefits


Engage the Greater Pittsburgh Community while at Tepper by helping neighboring impact organizations with strategic problems.


Take the business knowledge you're learning in the classroom and test your skills in the real world while receiving support from the Tepper Community.


Try your hand in consulting work in a high impact environment.

Student Expectations

Time Commitment

Mini 2: 1 - 2 hours/week

Mini 3 & 4: 3 - 5 hours/week


As an externally facing club, it is important that student consultants meet deadlines and act professionally with their real clients. We are an application only initiative.


Students must be members of either TCC or Net Impact to be eligible to apply. Part Time, Full Time, first year, and second year students & MSBA are welcome to apply. Second Year students cannot be participating in a Spring Capstone.

Students not part of TCC or Net Impact are welcome to apply. You can join PBC on Tartan Connect post application selection.


We welcome students from all backgrounds to apply. You do not need to have any prior consulting experience.


Students are expected to attend at least two of the required workshops (Office Hours: Team Contract, Office Hours: Letter of Engagement, Midway Workshop, & Final Check-in) and the Tepper Community Leadership Symposium.

Join Pro Bono Consulting Club to make an impact
in the Pittsburgh community.

Launch membership application

Join the PBC Junior Board to help the Board!

Launch Jr. Board application