
The Tepper Healthcare Club hosts events throughout the year, providing students with an opportunity to learn about the healthcare system, meet other students interested in healthcare, connect with companies across the healthcare sector, prepare for interviews at healthcare companies, and network with CMU Tepper alumni who work in healthcare.

Our Events, Mini by Mini

Because Tepper follows the 7-week "Mini" quarter system, our events take on distinct themes as we move from one Mini to the next.

Mini 1 (Aug - Oct)
Setting the Foundation

Starting off the year right, the Club hosts our All Hands and Industry Overview events to educate you on the various sectors of healthcare. We also have Leader in Residence Series & Alumni Roundtable Lunches with alums in senior positions across healthcare companies.

Mini 2 (Oct - Dec)
Prepping for Recruiting

We partner with Tepper's Marketing, Finance, Operations & Consulting clubs to host Corporate Presentations with healthcare companies with positions in Leadership Development Programs, Finance, Strategy, Operations & Marketing.

Mini 3 (Jan - Mar)
Being There for You

This is the thick of the recruiting season & is stressful for students. So we take a break from events to be there for you in whatever capacity you need - like 1-on-1 Interview Prep Sessions and even Smoothie Breaks - always a hit with our members.

Mini 4 (Mar - May)
Getting You Ready

By this point, most members secure internships or full-time jobs. We will prep you with events like Money Flow in Healthcare, Technology in HealthcareGetting Ready for Full-Time 101 to make sure you hit the ground running at your job from Day 1.