About Us

The main purpose of the Carnegie Mellon Graduate Consulting Club is to inform graduate students of opportunities within the management consulting industry, help prepare students for entering the industry, help students connect with professionals in the management consulting space, help groom students for successful careers in management consulting, and facilitate communication between our group and consulting firms.

Our Mission

The Carnegie Mellon Graduate Consulting Club is a graduate organization connecting students together interested in consulting. Our membership consists of students from engineering, science, policy, information systems, computer science, design, and other interdisciplinary areas.

What We Offer

Opportunities to engage and learn

We offer opportunities to engage and interact with like-minded students and professionals; we also offer case preparation, case competitions, and supplementary materials to our members.

Preparation for entering the consulting world

Monthly, we host business discussion nights where we explore various industries that consulting firms are involved in, as well as the major issues/trends that have been faced within these areas. We also offer opportunities for 1 on 1 interaction with consulting firms who specifically recruit from our membership.


We send out a newsletter every week where our leadership team handpicks recommendations for case studies, podcasts, books and articles. All these are relevant to consulting and leadership. The newsletter also includes opportunities for internship and full-time roles.